Dublin City Council, the National Transport Authority, Coca-Cola and JCDecaux are delighted to announce that from today, 20th September 2016, the Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes scheme will enable new and existing bike share members to use the service using just one smart card – their LEAP Card.

While this initiative won’t allow people to pay for their Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes trips from their LEAP Card account, it will allow them to hold their registration details for both schemes on the one card, cutting back on the requirement to carry an additional card in their wallets or purses. The customer account for Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes will continue to be the source for payment for annual memberships and 3-day ticketing and for each bike trip taken which incurs a cost.

Associating a LEAP Card so that it can be used with Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes is very simple for both an existing or new member of the bike share scheme:

  • Existing bike-share members just need to log in to their account at dublinbikes.ie and follow the on-screen instructions to associate a LEAP Card with their existing account;
  • New members simply log on to dublinbikes.ie where they will be requested to choose either LEAP Card or Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes membership card. They will be taken through a number of easy to follow steps after which, their LEAP Card needs to be validated for use at any one of the 101 stations across the city.

Lord Mayor of Dublin Brendan Carr said, “this will make it very easy and convenient for new and existing bike share members, to easily link with other modes of public transport. I have no doubt this will prove to be an attractive feature for commuters who want to use the one card to link their bike journeys with other sustainable public transport services, at various connection points across the city.”

According to Anne Graham, Chief Executive NTA, “Being able to use LEAP Card across multiple transport modes has proved to be a big draw for commuters with over one million cards sold since its launch five years ago.  Adding the customer ID for Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes to the LEAP Card should make people’s journeys around town a little easier; with the bike scheme accessible on the Leap Card, people will have one less card to carry around.”

Ronan Farren, Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola Ireland said, “We’re delighted to be joining Dublin City Council, the National Transport Authority and JCDecaux to make this announcement today. The Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes scheme continues to enjoy huge popularity and is one of the most successful bike schemes in the world, with more than 64,000 subscribers and 16.3 million journeys taken since the scheme came into being in 2009. Innovations that make using the scheme easier and more convenient for people are to be welcomed. We hope that this move, which further integrates the city’s public transport system, will enable those who haven’t tried the scheme yet to give it a go.”

Joanne Grant, Managing Director JCDecaux said, “Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes is already an overwhelming success and an excellent demonstration of the JCDecaux city partnership model.  We are very pleased to have worked with the National Transport Authority and Dublin City Council to deliver this initiative which will broaden the appeal of the scheme and make it accessible to more people.”


Questions & Answers

  1.  Can I have a Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes Annual Card and a Leap Card associated with my account at the same time?No! You can only have one card associated with your account at any given time, either a Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes Annual Card or a Leap Card.
  2.  What can I do to avoid ‘Card Clashes’?When taking out a bike at a station terminal Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes card holders should hold their associated card (Bike-share membership card or LEAP Card) up to the card reader on its own, and not in a wallet or purse containing other cards to avoid potential ‘card clashes.’  Holding a purse or wallet up to the reader will likely result in a message saying that their subscription is not associated with their card and they will not be able to proceed due to interference from other cards.  If a member is receiving this message even after removing their card from a wallet of purse, then they should contact the dublinbikes call centre on 1850 777 070.
  3. Can I pay for my Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes membership card annual renewal, 3-day ticket and bike journey costs at leapcard.ie ?No! You will continue to use www.dublinbikes.ie to pay for all costs relating to usage and membership.
  4. Will I use leapcard.ie for any service relating to Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes?No! For convenience LEAP Card just allows you to use the one card for journeys taken on covered public transport modes and the Bike-share scheme.
  5. How do I associate and use a Leap Card to access Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikesYou can associate your Leap Card with Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes by subscribing using your credit card/debit card or via direct debit. Once your subscription has been processed and your account created, you will receive an email containing instructions on how to access Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes.  You will need to scan your Leap Card at a Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes station terminal and follow the steps outlined in the email to associate your Leap Card. Once associated, your Leap Card will operate instead of your Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes annual card. Your Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes annual card will then become un-usable.
  6. Can Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes affect the balance on my Leap Card e-purse?Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes has no access whatsoever to the e-purse on your Leap Card. You cannot make payments to Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes via your Leap Card. The card is used solely for identification purposes to identify the holder as the Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes account holder in conjunction with your PIN. Any queries in relation to your Leap Card Purse balance should be addressed to Leap Card Customer Care 1850 824 82.



Current Valid Long-term Subscriber Numbers


Short-term Subscribers (*YTD) 12,861
Journeys (*YTD) 2,881,804
Journeys taken since launch 16,300,402
Ave duration of Journey (*YTD) 15 minutes
Percentage of journeys free (*YTD) 96%
Busiest usage day since launch 31/05/2016
No. of journeys taken on busiest day 17,231

Note. *YTD = Year To Date

Visit www.dublinbikes.ie for information on Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes.


The National Transport Authority is currently providing an Integrated Ticketing scheme called Leap Card which was launched in late 2011.

A Leap Card is a reusable plastic smart card that can be used instead of paper tickets to pay-as-you-go for travel on many transport providers in the Greater Dublin Area, and in the regional cities

The advantages of Leap Card are:

  • You pay less with a Leap card than when you pay for single fares with cash, so you’ll save yourself money;
  • Current savings are; up to 19% on bus, up to 23% on trains and up to 20% on Luas;
  • No more rooting around your pockets for the right change. Just pay the appropriate fare with the Travel Credit on your Leap Card!;
  • No more queuing at ticket machines for tickets. With the Leap Card you just Top-Up with Travel Credit and go whenever you like;
  • You can register your Leap Card online, so if it’s lost or stolen, no one else can use it. Once you register, you can also see your card history and buy Travel Credit online. The new Android Leap Top-Up App allows for even handier top-ups, for people with access to an Android phone.

Some Leap Card Stats:


Total Leap Journeys since launch (Nov 2011) 268,087,367
Leap Cards sold to date 1,858,580 (of which 844,634 are still in use)
Leap journeys per week (2016) 2,142,107
Downloads of Leap Top Up App 75,000 (Android only – launched January 2016)                         

 Visit www.leapcard.ie for further information on Leap Card.