Maynooth University are one of the original Smarter Travel Workplaces Partners, and now one of our experienced Smarter Travel Campus Partners!

Activities in Maynooth University include:

  • providing covered cycle parking close to entrances
  • a carsharing group on with allocated parking spaces for students and staff carsharing to campus
  • electric car charging point
  • a cycle repair station with tools for cyclists to fix their bikes
  • regular participants in student and staff walking and cycling promotions
  • both a student and staff Cycle to Work/ Cycle to Campus scheme to facilitate cyclists to buy discounted bikes for their commute
  • and many more activities to promote walking, cycling, carsharing and public transport.

In 2017 Maynooth’s efforts in making carsharing easy for staff and students was recognised at the Smarter Travel Awards when they won the Campus Carsharing Award. You can read how they promoted carsharing here.